Having worked with Luciana for many years I have found her to be highly professional, committed, insightful and resourceful. She brings resources that have been an excellent tool for personal development for my team too. And at a reasonable price for what we need.
Investment Client, London
I was blown away by my first experience of Ecstasis 🌟 I didn’t expect to see such bright, colourful, moving pattern with my eyes closed! I was wondering where all these colours come from? I have not seen any light so vibrant with my eyes open. My second and third experiences were also amazing as each ‘trip’ was different and I enjoyed this inner journey every time! Like I was going through time tunnels and across the stars at high speed!
Ms R, London, producer & professional musician
Luciana is a dynamic, vibrant person who creates interactive works that playfully engage with audiences in an unforgettable way. Her "IBVA" EEG system offers a way of looking at the internal workings of the brain in a visually fresh manner and visualises processes otherwise unimaginable. She is a well-dressed magician meets scientist meets artist
Scanner, artist & professional musician